
Frequently Asked Question?

FPS Job helps you find the right job matching your aspirations. Registering with FPS Job enables you to: 1- Access and apply in one-click to more than 1 lakh jobs 2- Store and access your Resume online 3- Get your CV viewed by over 3500 recuiters who will contact you with un-advertized jobs. 4- Create multiple customized profiles and apply to a job using the most relevant profile.

If you are a job seeker searching for jobs, to create a job seeker account for free, click here.

To post your Resume at FPS Job, click on EDIT profile,in the bottom of page you can see option to upload resume.

No, posting a Resume on FPS Job is absolutely Free of Cost.

Some essential things to include in your resume are: your name, contact information, education history, work or internship experience, and related skills. All of these details should be tailored for each individual job application. Additionally, you can include professional organizations and special awards if you think they’re relevant.

Absolutely! If you think you can handle the job requirements, it never hurts to apply for the position. Whether you have less years of experience than they’re asking, or you are missing one of the hard skills mentioned, these don’t necessarily rule you out from landing the job. Skills can be learned on the job, and if you’re the best candidate, years of experience won’t matter in the end. Just don’t lie and say you have the qualifications when you don’t.